Zaha Hadid, the acclaimed Iraqi-British architect known for her sensuous curvilinear structures that blurred the line between architecture and art, died Thursday morning in a Miami hospital.
In recent decades, Southeast Asia has become a vibrant laboratory of high-density urbanism with places such as Singapore, Bangkok, and Hong Kong packing more people into taller buildings on smaller parcels of land.
Last month, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) released the results of its 2015 Diversity in the Profession of Architecture survey and the numbers tell a grim—and unsurprising—story: the profession doesn’t look at all like the society it serves.
The Roundabout Theatre’s revival of the 1963 musical She Loves Me, which opened at New York City’s Studio 54 on March 17, scored glowing reviews for its terrific cast, director Scott Ellis—and set designer Rockwell Group.