Pritzker Prize–winner Wang Shu and Lu Wenyu, his partner, tie a museum and cultural complex in Fuyang to China’s rich traditions of landscape painting.
In recent decades, Southeast Asia has become a vibrant laboratory of high-density urbanism with places such as Singapore, Bangkok, and Hong Kong packing more people into taller buildings on smaller parcels of land.
A short walk down a ramshackle alley typical of Beijing’s hutong neighborhoods leads to a pivoting steel door deeply recessed between a pair of gray-brick buildings.
Town Meets Gown: With a renovation and a new building, a university redefines an important plaza and establishes a stronger connection between campus and the city.
The four buildings and two outdoor spaces that define Upper and Lower Sproul Plaza and together constitute the Student Center at the University of California, Berkeley, were a veritable minefield for any architect or university administrator thinking of redeveloping the area.