The prestigious biennial prize was awarded to Loreta Castro Reguera and José Pablo Ambrosi of the Mexico City-based architecture firm Taller Capital for a dam renovation in Nogales, Mexico.
Following the failed organizing effort at SHoP last winter, the Brooklyn-based firm made history early this month when employees formed the country’s first private sector architecture union.
The Getty Foundation and the National Trust for Historic Preservation announce a grant to preserve the historic Modern works of Black architects such as Robert Robinson Taylor, Amaza Lee Meredith and Vertner Woodson Tandy.
The Portland, Oregon-based developer with degrees in environmental systems, city planning, and landscape architecture launched her own development firm, Adre, in 2020 to serve BIPOC communities.
"Notre-Dame de Paris: The Augmented Exhibition," which has been extended through October, brings visitors into an immersive environment that captures the past, present, and future of this central piece of Parisian culture.
Moshe Safdie joins the podcast to discuss his new memoir, how he turned his college thesis into Montreal’s Habitat 67, and redefining how people interact with the built environment.
The late architect and former dean of Columbia GSAPP dedicated himself to public projects consistent with his politics, from the Rose Center for Earth and Space at New York’s Natural History Museum to the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock.
This month, ongoing exhibitions include a display of park bench prototypes by Scottish designers on the grounds of Mount Stuart, a palatial 18th century estate on the Isle of Bute.