It’s not news that the architectural profession is demographically skewed. Despite moderate progress over the last decade, women and people of color continue to be underrepresented. However, a report released by the AIA yesterday puts these disparities into numbers.
Last month, architectural record held its second annual Women in Architecture Forum and Awards in New York, with a packed crowd of architects (mostly women but some enthusiastic men) joining in the celebration.
Architectural Record’s annual Women in Architecture awards program is intended to acknowledge the increasingly visible role of women in the profession; to encourage firms to promote women architects and their work; and to provide an opportunity for women in the field to come together to celebrate their contributions to the design of the built environment.
Friday, the Yale School of Architecture announced that New York-based architect Deborah Berke will be stepping up as dean next July, the first woman to lead the school in its 100-year history.
Today, Architectural Record announces the winners of its second annual Women in Architecture Awards, celebrating five architects for their contributions to the field while highlighting the increasingly visible role women play in the profession.
On May 16, thousands of delegates of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) filed into a hall in the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta to vote on a series of 15 resolutions set forth for approval.