Record Houses 2019

The granite-walled house, with an asymmetrical hipped slate roof, includes a “car porch” at the entrance.
Photo © Jeff Goldberg/Esto
We are proud to present Record Houses 2019—a favorite issue among our readers. Specially designed houses reflect an intimate collaboration between architect and client. This year’s winning houses, located across the North American continent and in Japan, pay respect to the character of their diverse contexts while reflecting their owners' priorities.
Just too much.....
April 3, 2019
It was depressing to scan through the winning projects in the 2019 Record Houses article. The houses are beautiful and exceptionally well-crafted, but celebrating these houses in the face of ever more dire science describing our climate change fate, is irresponsible and needs to stop. I am quite sure there are award worthy homes that are equally beautiful, well-crafted, and modestly sized, but with the highest possible energy efficiency, and the least embodied energy. We could all learn from houses with those qualities. Anything less just reinforces the elitist view many in the public have of the profession and stand as poor examples for architectural achievement. There will always be work for architects willing to design 6,000sf waterfront vacation homes, but those houses are more suited for professional condemnation rather than celebration.