Taking cues from Mies van der Rohes Farnsworth House, the Miele design team created Brilliant White Plus Series, a line of built-in, culinary appliances that is even more minimalist than the German manufacturers existing offerings. Made of stainless steel with white glass fascias, chrome handles, and intuitively apparent touch controls, the series comprises a 30 convection oven, steam oven, speed oven, whole-bean coffee system, and a plate-and-cup-warmer.
Mieles Brilliant White Plus is an elegant and deceptively simple approach to kitchen systemsand a longed-for change from stainless steel. Laurie Butler full caption
Ideal for custom-residential, hospitality, and small corporate office projects, the Dacor Discovery WineStation is an automated temperature-controlled wine-dispensing and preservation system for four bottles. Similar to large units used by restaurants and bars to serve fine wine by the glass, this small stainless-steel unit can be built in or installed on a counter, and features CleanPour heads that ensure the taste and quality of the wine from one bottle to the next. full caption