Set against the dramatic backdrop of the Beartooth Mountains, a surprisingly intimate structure of vertical pine logs offers a serene place of respite for visitors to the arts center.
After years of planning, a 11,500-acre Montana sheep ranch has been transformed into sculpture park and performance space, offering offer new ways of engaging with both art and nature.
Site Size: 17,000 acres Project Size: 2,800 square feet Program: The Cookhouse is the latest project in an ongoing renovation of an abandoned homestead in rural Montana. Over the last 15 years, the clients have renovated and expanded a number of structures for a working ranch and family vacation compound. The 2,800-square-foot Cookhouse is meant to be the hub of ranch activity; its kitchen and living areas are large enough to accommodate extended family dinners and community gatherings. The architects were charged with designing a structure that would complement—but not overwhelm—the neighboring buildings. The severe climate in south-central Montana