As unprecedented fires consume Los Angeles, the architectural profession confronts an urgent need to revolutionize building practices and policy in an era of climate crisis.
Within a reimagined Hollywood headquarters, the founders of The LADG question architecture’s role to render safe the interaction between industry and humanity.
The first phase of the Sunset Mausoleum project, designed by Lehrer Architects and Arquitectura y Diseño, accommodates 5,000 crypts within a soaring, open concrete structure.
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Jr., the precariously sited (and pop-culture-famous) historic landmark in Rancho Palos Verdes was at risk of total destruction from encroaching landslides.
Spread across multiple floors of an existing Los Angeles area office tower, the project includes a soccer pitch in the basement and a spacious penthouse terrace with mountain views.
Start-up SuperLA seeks to raise the quality of rental housing in the city while finding ways to streamline its infamously cumbersome development process.