What Will Happen to Charity Hospital and Other Endangered Projects?
A fresh look at the state of historic preservation.

Rendering of original design by Weiss, Dreyfous & Seiferth, 1939. The firm also designed the Louisiana State Capitol and buildings at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
Image courtesy NTHP

The steel structure of Charity Hospital, during construction in 1938.
Image courtesy NTHP

Charity Hospital in 2008.
Image courtesy RMJM

Main entrance to Charity Hospital, boarded, 2007.
Image courtesy NTHP / Todd Callender

Interior courtyard at Charity Hospital, 2007.
Image courtesy RMJM

Louisiana’s existing plan for two new campuses for the Louisiana State University Medical Center and Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center.
Image courtesy RMJM

Alternative plan for medical campus, including the refurbishment of Charity Hospital as the Louisiana State University Medical Center.
Image courtesy RMJM

Proposed new entry to Charity Hospital.
Image courtesy RMJM

Proposed entry atrium.
Image courtesy RMJM

Proposed view from Tulane Avenue.
Image courtesy RMJM