Arthur Casas is a graduate of the renowned architectural program at Mackenzie University in São Paulo and an heir to the city's Modernist traditions. While he is one of Brazil's most sought-after residential designers, his work also includes larger multi'family, commercial, and institutional projects.
Angelo Bucci has run the SPBR office in S'o Paulo since 2003. He became one of the most prominent members of the young generation of architects to emerge following the end of Brazil's military dictatorship after he won, along with lvaro Puntoni and Jos Oswaldo Vilela's public competition to design the Brazil pavilion at the 1992 Seville Expo, one of the first major civic projects following the return of democracy. For political reasons, the pavilion was not built.
Machine for Viewing: The renovation of the top floors of a 1960s apartment building created in an airy triplex with breathtaking panoramic views of Rio de Janeiro.
“In Rio, the landscape comes to you,” Brazilian architect Arthur Casas says about his commission to renovate a penthouse apartment in Rio de Janeiro's Urca neighborhood. Casas, who has an office in São Paulo, plus one in New York City, had quite a landscape to work with.
When the Jardim Edite favela was scheduled for demolition by S'o Paulo's city authorities, most of its 800 families had little expectation that they would be allowed to remain in their neighborhood.