New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday that the Manhattan convention center, designed by Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, will likely become a 1,000-bed medical facility.
Officials and developers are taking strict precautions as commercial buildings begin to open their doors to workers. See striking images from the Zaha Hadid–designed Leeza SOHO in Beijing.
As shelter-in-place directives took effect across northern counties in California, contractors and local and state officials are trying to decipher the definition of “essential” in the unprecedented response to curtail COVID-19.
Previously scheduled for May in Los Angeles, A’20 is one of the latest professional gatherings affected as the coronavirus pandemic spreads in the U.S.
Last week, the institution’s Board of Directors rescinded the vote to close the school Frank Lloyd Wright founded in 1932. The Foundation wants more information about what has changed.