Houston, Texas FdM:Arch Houston, according to architect Francois de Menil, FAIA, principal of Francois de Menil Architect (FdM:Arch), is a city of interesting architectural adjacencies. He should know. He grew up there, and his familial ties to the city’s art and architecture are the stuff of legend (his mother was the late Houston art patron Dominique de Menil). “It’s just that Houstonian mindset,” says the architect. “There are no real zoning restrictions so you see fast-food restaurants right next to huge residences. It’s part of the character of the city.” While de Menil doesn’t come out and say that perhaps
“It took me 50 years to get here,” says Alice Cornell about her home in Jackson, Wyoming. Cornell vacationed in the region at age 12, and decided then that she wanted to live there someday.
Project Specs Cornell House Jackson Hole, Wyoming Stephen Dynia Architects << Return to article the People Architect Stephen Dynia Architects PO Box 4356 Jackson Hole, WY 83001 307.7333766 307.7331762 www.dynia.com Stephen Dynia, AIA, John Merriman, AIA Rob Rager Doug Staker Engineer(s): Civil: Hollingsworth Associates Harold Hollingsworth 2875 W. Oxford Ave. #7 Sheridan, CO 80110 303.7815188 Structural: ARW Engineers Jeremy Achter 1594 W. Park Cr. Ogden, UT 84404 801.782.6008 www.arwengineers.com General contractor: Milliron Timberworks John Walker & Mark Pollard PO Box 10970 Jackson, WY 83002 307.7330529 Photographer: Gordon Gregory Photography (406) 556-9854 Renderer: Stephen Dynia Architects CAD system, project
Project Specs OneTwo Townhouse Houston, Texas FdM:Arch << Return to article the People Architect FdM:Arch Francois deMenil Architect PC 1140 Broadway Suite 704 New York, NY 10001 T (212) 779-3400 F (212) 7793-414 Principal in Charge: Francois deMenil FAIA LEED AP Project Architects: Noah Walker, Kristopher Musumano Architect of record: Francois deMenil Architect PC Engineer(s): Structural: Luis Lemus Jr. P.E. with Ciarinn Higgins of Higgins, Inc. 3100 Audley Street Houston, Texas 77098 Consultant(s) Landscape: Steve Rosenblath PO BOX 131503 Houston, Texas 77219 T:(713) 443-4172 Lighting: M&M Lighting PO BOX 1027 Bellaire, Texas 77402 T: (713) 667-5611 General contractor: Michael Woodfin
No one told Jackson Clements Burrows Architects they weren’t supposed to play with stacking blocks on a tennis court—and the Australian firm’s clients are glad.
Project Specs Kew House Melbourne, Australia Jackson Clements Burrows Architects << Return to article the People Architect Jackson Clements Burrows Pty Ltd Architects Principal architects Tim Jackson, Jon Clements, Graham Burrows Project architect Andrew Bos Project team Tim Jackson, Jon Clements, Graham Burrows, Andrew Bos, Tim Leslie Contractor Murray Dance (Dance Brothers Builders) Structural engineer Andrew Beattie (Adams Consulting Engineers) Roofing contractor Chris Sinn (Specialised Roofing Services) Landscape Jim Fogarty (Jim Fogarty Landscape Design) the Products External materials Alternating Colorbond and Rheinzink flat-sheet panels, messmate cladding, Kidco anodized aluminium windows and doors, frameless glass balustrades, grey ironbark decking, synthetic