A 1,539-square-foot pavilion housing restrooms, a planned café, and mechanical services for the park, including a UV storm-water-filtration system in the basement.
A series of gardens and buildings housing the Xi'an International Horticultural Exposition 2011. The three main elements—the 37,674-square-foot Guangyuan Entrance, the 53,820-square-foot exhibition pavilion, and the 43,055-square-foot greenhouse—form the backbone of a 37-hectare park.
A 1,400-square-foot open-air pavilion set along the zoo's boardwalk, which takes visitors through exhibits on animals and habitats, including a newly rehabilitated pond showcasing aquatic life.
On land once inhabited by native Tongva people and, centuries later, by the Hughes Aircraft Company, the planned community of Playa Vista is gradually rising on Los Angeles’s West Side.
A single-story, 6,300-square-foot public library on a residential street, with stacks and periodicals along the south wall and a children's room, a program room, and staff offices along the north.
The Westmeath County Buildings and Library, in the town of Mullingar, express the ambitious political and social agenda that held sway in Ireland in the first decade of the 21st century, before the country’s economic bubble collapsed.