The City of Temecula commissioned LPA to design a new library for its expanding community to create “a place to learn; a place to explore; a place to discover old traditions and new opportunities.”
The renovation and extension of the Southwest Branch Library was made possible as part of the Libraries for All initiative, approved by Seattle voters in 1998.
If you wanted to settle in a fine place that is safe, secure, and filled with friendly people, you could hardly do better than Greensburg, a town on the plains of southwest Kansas, where one’s sense of well-being can be threatened by little other than occasional bursts of severe weather.
Set on a donated sliver of land between two elevated train lines in Chicago’s South Side, the Lavezzorio Community Center in the SOS Children’s Village makes both a visual and actual connection between the village’s housing complex for children to the south, and the Auburn-Gresham neighborhood to the north.
The simple 6,400-square-foot Orange Memorial Park Recreation Building is an airy, light-filled multi-purpose room for cultural, recreational, celebratory, and educational activities.
The Neighborhood Resource Center is located in the South Phoenix Village Neighborhood Initiative Area, a district targeted for comprehensive, concentrated, and community-driven revitalization.
The modest size and budget of the Gentry Public Library (11,970 square feet, at $108 per square foot) belies its importance to the community of Gentry, Arkansas.
Located in Toronto's historic Distillery District, the Deaf Culture Centre is a retrofitted portion of a historic heritage building once used for producing spirits.