For the last 15 years, Richard Meier’s Douglas House has been meticulously restored by its engineer owner—with the original architect looking over his shoulder.
The T Building, formerly the Triboro Hospital for Tuberculosis, was rehabilitated by Dunn Development, SLCE, Old Structures Engineering, and architectural conservator Mary Kay Judy.
In 2018, Dirtworks alongside Rippled Waters Engineering and Great Ecology began the marsh restoration project at Jamaica Bay in the Gateway National Recreation Area
At Gateway National Recreation Area, the landscape architecture firm has worked collaboratively to reconstruct West Pond's shoreline and restore and create acres of tidal wetland.
Record highlights renovation, restoration, and adaptive reuse projects from a former power station in Moscow turned into a lively arts center by Renzo Piano Building Workshop to the sensitive resurrection of Carlo Scarpa’s Brion Memorial in Italy.
At the heart of Yale University’s campus, Robert A.M. Stern Architects turns a Carrère & Hastings building into a 21st-century social and cultural hub.