Named for life's marathon-like challenges, the playful 26 Point 2 apartment complex in Long Beach, California, provides residents with communal spaces and on-site services.
A diverse group of North American projects showcases architects breaking through budgetary, spatial, and legal barriers to provide innovative housing solutions.
Designed to passive-house principles, an airy multi-story addition to a Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, rowhouse adds 30 percent more area to the building while requiring only 12 percent additional energy consumption.
Resilient and super-insulated, this four-bedroom seasonal retreat is clad in contrasting weathering steel and acetylated wood, echoing the geological character of the nearby Teton Range.
Primarily built from concrete, wood, and glass, this four-room residence with a star-shaped floor plan rethinks the typical approach to house planning in suburban Spain.
The 2020 Design Vanguard's makeover of an 1,800-square-foot unit honors the Hancock Center's distinctive exoskeleton with striking structural elements.
This Maui abode is the first built prototype of a system aiming to standardize technical components and costly finishes into a compact and easily shippable prefab module that can be quickly assembled.
Topped with a green roof, this modest ADU erected on a narrow Seattle lot serves as the client's painting studio and a place to accommodate visiting family.