In-process, completed, and on-the-boards projects featuring wood, including housing, office towers, museums, and academic buildings from Europe and North America.
Architectural historian Molly Lester, curator William Whitaker, and photographer Elizabeth Felicella "create an archive in the absence of one" for the lesser-known Philadelphia architect.
The Pentreath & Hall co-founder is the 21st recipient of the coveted classical architecture prize awarded by the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture.
The Spanish-born architect and educator offers an insightful study of his adopted home, countering the claim of Tokyo’s "only-in-Japan" urban origin myth.
The project by Undurraga Devés Arquitectos and Konrad Brunner Arquitectos marries the university's gardens and winding paths with the fabric of the city's historic center.
Innovative multifamily housing projects in the U.S. and Europe spotlight atypical solutions on typical sites and radical interventions in unusual locations that aim to address issues of increasing density.