Olajumoke Adenowo has been practicing architecture in Nigeria for more than a quarter of a century. Still, she became significantly better known when CNN named her “Africa’s star architect” in December, as part of a report on her Lagos-based practice, AD Consulting.
On Tuesday, David Adjaye received a W.E.B. Du Bois Medal from Harvard University, along with 12 Years a Slave filmmaker Steve McQueen, the late writer and activist Maya Angelou, and six others who were recognized for their contributions to African American culture. This fall, the architect also celebrates the opening of the early childhood education center at the base of his recently-completed Sugar Hill housing development in Harlem (click the link to read more about the building). The building combines pre-kindergarten classrooms, permanently affordable housing, and the Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling. For Adjaye, who has offices
Cross-Border Collaboration: In a remote village in southern Burundi, an American architect joins forces with the local community to build a simple and sensitive dormitory for health-care staff.
In a remote village in southern Burundi, an American architect joins forces with the local community to build a simple and sensitive dormitory for health-care staff.
It was late morning in Gando, a rural community in the West African country of Burkina Faso, and the fierce sun was beating down on the arid, ochre-colored landscape.
When they founded Work Architecture Company (WORKac), in an apartment facing a brick wall in 2003, Dan Wood and Amale Andraos had two jobs lined up: a bathroom renovation and a doghouse.
A revamped station serves more than just minibus taxis. It engages the entrepreneurial spirit and social vitality of a settlement outside of Johannesburg.
Under African Skies: The first phase of an ambitious national university creates a community of buildings and outdoor spaces adapted to a hot, dry climate.
Under African Skies: The first phase of an ambitious national university creates a community of buildings and outdoor spaces adapted to a hot, dry climate. When Perkins+Will's Ralph Johnson first visited the site of the new campus of Universidade Agostinho Neto, near Luanda, Angola, in 2001, the five-mile drive from the city center involved military checkpoints, refugees living in squalid camps along the road, and warnings to steer clear of land mines. Back then, the country was still in the throes of a decades-long civil war. But Angola was beginning to use oil revenue to improve its social infrastructure. At
Where Defiance Began: A cultural complex honors the legacy of the fight against apartheid, while bringing it alive for a new generation of South Africans.
Red Location is the oldest surviving relocation site in Port Elizabeth, where thousands of native Africans were forced to settle by the colonial government in the early 1900s.