Gehry's Winton Guest House Moving to New Home
![Gehry's Winton Guest House](
Gehry's Winton Guest House
Gehry's Winton Guest House comprises a series of diminutive spaces clustered under sculptural forms.
Photos courtesy Mike Ekern/University of St. Thomas
![Gehry's Winton Guest House](
Gehry's Winton Guest House
The 1987-vintage house, located on the shore of Minnesota's Lake Minnetonka, was donated to the University of St. Thomas and will be moved to a new site there.
Photos courtesy Mike Ekern/University of St. Thomas
![Winton Guest House](
Winton Guest House
Inside, a pryramidal roof defines an atrium.
Photos courtesy Mike Ekern/University of St. Thomas
![Winton Guest House](
Winton Guest House
The exposed underside of a narrow, winding stair is just one of many details that give this Gehry design its whimsical character.
Photos courtesy Mike Ekern/University of St. Thomas