Venice Biennale Portfolio

The U.S. Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale
Spontaneous Interventions: Design Actions for the Common Good
Commissioner/Curator: Cathy Lang Ho
Curators: Ned Cramer, David van der Leer
Deputy Curators: Paola Antonelli, Anne Guiney, Zoe Ryan, Michael Sorkin

The Venezuelan Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale
Panavision: various practices, common views
Commissioner: Daniela Freiberg
Curator: Pedro Livni Aldabalde
Deputy Curator: Gonzalo Carrasco Purull.

Team Chicago: City Works Installation (David Brown, Alexander Eisenschmidt, Jeanne Gang, Stanley Tigerman, URBNALAB)
Common Ground exhibition curated by David Chipperfield

Common Ground exhibition curated by David Chipperfield

Common Ground exhibition curated by David Chipperfield

Installation of work by Rafael Moneo
Common Ground exhibition curated by David Chipperfield

Commissioners: Gobierno De España, Ministerio De Fomento, Dirección General De Arquitectura, Vivienda Y Suelo with ACE (Acción Cultural Española), AECID (Agencia Española De Cooperación Internacional Para El Desarrollo)
Curator: Antón García-Abril, Débora Mesa

The Irish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale
SHIFTING GROUND (Beyond National Architecture)
Commissioner: Elizabeth Francis
Curator: John McLaughlin

The Japanese Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biannale
Architecture possible here? Home-for-All
Commissioner: Toyo Ito
Deputy Commissioners: Atsuko Sato, Tae Mori

The Chilean Pavilaion at the Venice Architecture Biennale
Cancha: Chilean Soilscapes
Commissioner: Cristóbal Molina Baeza
Curators: María Pilar Pinchart Saavedra, Bernardo Valdés Echenique

Venice, Italy
Photographer Michael Moran has sent Record some of his shots from the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale. Click the image below to view them in a slide show.
The U.S. Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale
Spontaneous Interventions: Design Actions for the Common Good
Commissioner/Curator: Cathy Lang Ho
Curators: Ned Cramer, David van der Leer
Deputy Curators: Paola Antonelli, Anne Guiney, Zoe Ryan, Michael Sorkin