A monthly contest from the editors of RECORD asks you to guess the architect for a work of historical importance.
Clue: This multifunctional marketplace, built as part of a “new village” along the banks of a legendary river in northern Africa, was designed by an architect who sought to create a Modernism rooted in local cultural practices. A pioneer of sustainable design, this designer employed traditional techniques of extensive shading, passive ventilation, and mud-brick construction in an effort to maximize occupants’ comfort.
By entering, you have a chance to win a $500 Visa gift card. Deadline to enter is the last day of each month at 5:00pm EST.
Last month's answer: This proposal was submitted by Adolf Loos to the Chicago Tribune’s famed 1922 competition for a new headquarters tower. The competition received over 250 entries, including some from a number of avant-garde European architects, but the winning scheme was a rather conservative Neo-Gothic entry submitted by John Mead Howells and Raymond M. Hood.

Image courtesy of the Library of Congress