Juno co-founder BJ Siegel and Ennead partner Tomas Rossant (a recent RECORD Innovation speaker) join the podcast to discuss their unique approach to design and construction, the future of cities, and the role of mass timber in creating affordable housing.
"At Ennead, we are in charge of the architectural part of the process, but Juno is asking ‘why?’ to everything. 'Why does land have to be acquired that way? Why does the supply chain work that way? Why do construction documents have to be delivered in that time frame?' The way of Juno, like the way of the Jedi, is to look at every component, from concept to post-occupancy, and ring out the inefficiency in every process. That's what's exciting for us at Ennead; we have just lived with all this inefficiency built into the cost of architecture, and it has to be rung out."
— Tomas Rossant, Ennead
Hosted by Austin, Texas–based architect Aaron Prinz, Architectural Record’s DESIGN:ED podcast has featured the most renowned architects of our time—such as Art Gensler, Kengo Kuma, and Glenn Murcutt, as well as rising professionals in the next generation, such as Pascale Sablan, Michael Murphy, and Jenny Wu, all available in our library.