Architectural Record presents the best building devices, HVAC systems, and other special equipment of 2019. Click through the slideshow above to view each winner.
Best Building Systems & Components Products of 2019

A handheld wireless imaging laser scanner by Leica Geosystems lets users document a space in 3-D as they walk through it. The 1.7-pound device houses a 12 megapixel detail camera and three panoramic cameras that capture a room’s imagery and dimensions. This data can then be used to generate CAD models. BLK2GO uses a rechargeable battery, stores six hours of scans, and has a USB port for data transfers.

Cylent Assurance Clip
This 2" x 2¾" steel and rubber clip was developed to improve sound ratings of floors, walls, and ceilings when attached to standard resilient channels within the interstitial spaces that isolate the drywall and subflooring from the studwork.

SmokeShield Elevator Door
Developed for multifloor buildings, this smoke-containment system mitigates the vertical migration of smoke and gasses through elevator shafts, which can act like chimneys during a fire by drawing smoke to upper floors. When deployed, SmokeShield seals the shaft with a high-temperature transparent film curtain, constrained by extruded aluminum guides around the door. This protects occupants from smoke inhalation so they are able to evacuate.

SLZ-KF Four-Way Ceiling Cassette
This HVAC unit features a slimmer design than previous models, which eases installation, and it’s more discreet. It measures roughly 23" square and is installed flush with a ceiling, then painted to blend into it. Adding the company’s optional 3D i-see Sensor to calculate room occupancy boosts the unit’s potential energy savings.

ProPEX Copper Press Adapters
This innovative adapter eliminates a step for plumbing professionals who build PEX-to-copper tubing connections. Designed to enable easier, faster transitions, the lead-free brass adapters (ranging in size from ½" to 3") secure connections without the need for soldering, which can reduce project timelines by 71%.