Krause Music Store
Wheeler Kearns and McGuire Igleski restore Louis Sullivan's last work to its former luster and create a serene work space within.

Photo © Steve Hall/Hedrich Blessing

Photo courtesy University of Minnesota Libraries

Photo © Steve Hall/Hedrich Blessing

Photo courtesy Goldberg general contracting

Photo © Steve Hall/Hedrich Blessing

Photo © Steve Hall/Hedrich Blessing

Photo © Steve Hall/Hedrich Blessing

Image courtesy Wheeler Kearns Architects

Image courtesy Wheeler Kearns Architects

Architects & Firms
The two-story storefront at 4611 North Lincoln Avenue on Chicago’s North Side may not be Louis Sullivan’s highest-profile commission, but its delicate ornament and graceful proportions certainly reveal his skillful hand. The focal point of the terra-cotta facade is a deeply recessed, prosceniumlike display window. From its lintel, a leafy profusion of ornament extends, ending in an elaborate cartouche that projects above the parapet and surrounds a letter K.
The initial refers to William Krause, who commissioned architect William Presto in the early 1920s to design a music store with living quarters above. Presto in turn hired Sullivan, by then elderly and plagued by financial difficulties and poor health, to design the facade. The store, which opened in 1922, was Sullivan’s last architectural project—he died less than two years later.
The music store occupied the ground floor for less than a decade before Krause rented it to a funeral home. The building contained a gallery and gift shop in 2005, when nearby residents Peter and Pooja Vukosavich acquired the structure with the idea of moving their marketing and communications business within walking distance of their home.
But the former music store was more than a convenient location for the Vukosaviches. They had long admired the structure and hoped to help ensure its preservation. The city had designated the facade a Chicago Landmark almost 30 years earlier, but the couple wanted further protection for the building. So soon after completing the purchase, they began the paperwork for placing it on the National Register of Historic Places (a status it achieved in 2006).
PeopleOwner Architect for Building Adaptive Reuse, Renovation and Addition: Personnel in architect's firm who should receive special credit: Principal: Larry Kearns, AIA Project Architect: Sharlene Young, AIA Associate architect(s): Engineer(s) Consultant(s) General contractor President: Jake Goldberg Site Supervisor: Freddy Taborda Photographer(s) |
ProductsStructural system Glazing: Interior finishes: Scrim Material: Knoll Textiles Scrim Fabricator: Zirlin Interiors Lighting: Artwork: