Architecture + Creativity
The Creative Process Observed: Thomas Demand

The Creative Process Observed
Kindergarten 22, 2015, framed pigment print, 122.5 x 156.1 cm
Photo © Thomas Demand, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn/Ars, New York

The Creative Process Observed
Farm 88, 2015, framed pigment print, 81 x 61.2 cm
Photo courtesy Grace Farms Foundation, New Canaan

Architects & Firms
German photographer Thomas Demand has frequently created his own art by interpreting the creative process of others. His recent book Model Studies: Koto-ku reflects his many visits to the SANAA office in Tokyo, where he selected and photographed architectural models from among the heaps of paper and cardboard mock-ups, discarded and jumbled all over the studio. The repeated making of such simple models is central to the architects’ generation of designs. “Since they don’t aspire to a tidy and empty workshop,” he writes in the book’s introduction, “the thought process of every project survives. Both past moments of abandonment and sparks of inspiration are all parked somewhere in remote corners.” Two of Demand’s images of models for SANAA’s Grace Farms are among the major artworks that have been installed at that new institution in rural Connecticut.