Each month RECORD reviews building product related web sites and blogs that might be of interest to our readership. We visit each site, kick the tires a bit, and share what it is about and how it functions. Please let us know if there is a site you've found particularly useful, well-designed, or easy to navigate. — Rita Catinella Orrell

The new Dorma E-Learning website allows architects gain credit for the AIA's Continuing Education System, registered for courses concerning "health, safety, welfare and sustainable design requirements." The courses on offer currently focus around the company's line of architectural hardware, with two available now, with DORMA promising eight by year's end. In all, the CES credits available on the website present the information is a straightforward and easy to navigate manner.


A new website for Trufig reflects its product line of wall-flush building controls, power outlets, speakers, and switches. A white canvas provides the obvious backdrop to have visual simulations of the company's exacting fixtures, designed for the "aesthetic-conscious architects" among us, according to the company. While the new website is aesthetically alluring, it would be nice if they provided a few more bits of information about their novel, distinctive system.