Why I Tweet, and Other Digital Musings
The world unloads so much information on us today that communicating with just 140 characters – no more, no less – feels like massive relief. -0

Twitter comes with its own counter, so that every one of your postings keeps score of the total characters that remain. It’s hard to miss. -0
You can follow insipid things like when a famous celebrity brushed her teeth, or you can post when you brush your own. Lead or Follow? Pick. -0
Architecture fans register their own reactions to buildings and places, up to the minute, close and personal. Read two from Twitter’s site: -0
RT @anneegibson New modern wing of Art Institute unveils this weekend. Designed by Renzo Piano it bridges to Gehry’s Millennium Park. Big. Bold. Thrilling. -0
RT @camilleking Not content with just designing buildings, Gehry is now doing shoes. I just hope they don’t leak like the Stata Center. -4
ARCHITECTURAL RECORD is there already. Look for us, search, and you’ll find that people are writing about RECORD, for a rainbow of reasons. -0
RT @poetarchitect Just saw myself in an ad on page 228 of the may arch record. Now if only they would feature something I designed. -8
We tweet, too, usually to lead you to a piece of news or information that gets to you as quickly as a text to your cellphone. Not all fluff. -1
RT @archrecord: Round Three for Green Building Standard, http://tinyurl.com/q9v4td. -58
Link Twitter to your Facebook page and find us, too, along with 147 of your closest friends who care about architecture. We’re everywhere. -1
On Facebook, you’ll escape the rigors and restrictions of the Twitter word count, and tell the universe of friends “What’s on Your Mind.” -3
Furthermore, on Facebook, you can join affinity groups like “My Next Car Will Not Run on Gas,” or “Women in Green.” They come with pictures. -0
Santiago Calatrava has 14,072 fans on Facebook. They share information, images, points of view about the architect. They respond to forums. -0
Facebook can be more relevant than Twitter on given subjects like architecture, with supporting arguments, images, videos, even in French. -0
“Moi Aussi, J’ai Donné Ma Vie a l’architecture.” -90
I try to distill a thought from my own day into a few words, like the color of light; I’m still looking for a critical stream of projects. -0
Sure, Facebook has high school friends & design acquaintances, but in the last months, more serious architects seem to be showing up online. -0
Honestly, though, you can do as much with social media on our site, archrecord.com, where you can post your own information, even projects. -0
Our editors are writing blogs as if the Macs might melt, witness Sebastian Howard, who wrote a critique of the new Frank Lloyd Wright show: -0
“Wright’s drawings are stunning. Large format, rich in detail, and often bursting with color, they’ve been preserved beautifully.” -10
Scott Horst, the VP of the US Green Building Council, has recently been hosting a forum on LEED 3.0, and getting lots of questions from you: -0
“If a project is close to transit, presumably fixed-rail or more than one bus line, Transit-Oriented Developments can pursue many of the credits within the Sustainable Sites category in New Construction or Core & Shell.” -0
Our video library is groaning under its own weight, with freebie movies of cities and interesting people and work—Meier’s model storehouse. -0
I tweet; I’ll admit it. I’m not looking for someone to follow my daily musings, but I love to write these nouveau haiku. How about you? -5
Follow us on Twitter @archrecord: http://twitter.com/archrecord -77
If you wish to write to our editor-in-chief you can email him rivy@mcgraw-hill.com.