Women in Architecture Awards

Women in Architecture Awards

Dana CuffDana Cuff is Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at UCLA and Director of cityLAB, an award-winning think tank that advances experimental urbanism and architecture (www.cityLAB.aud.ucla.edu). Since receiving her Ph.D. in Architecture from Berkeley, Cuff has published and lectured widely about spatial justice, the architectural profession, and affordable housing. She has written several books, including The Provisional City about postwar housing in Los Angeles,and co-authored a book called Urban Humanities(MIT Press, 2020), documenting her eponymous,cross disciplinary project at UCLA funded bythe Mellon Foundation. Based on cityLAB’s design research, Cuff co-authored landmark Accessory Dwelling Unit legislation that effectively ends single-family zoning in California (AB 2299, Bloom-2016), doubling the density on 8.1 million lots.She and her team are currently working on new forms of affordable housing to be co-located with schools.cityLAB recently launched an off-campus center in one under-served neighborhood, where multi-year collaborations with community organizations will demonstrate ways that humanistic design of the public realm can create more compassionate cities..