the People Client: Gemeente Lelystad Architect UNStudio Amsterdam Ben van Berkel and Gerard Loozekoot with Jacques van Wijk Job Mouwen en Holger Hoffmann Khoi Tran Christian Veddeler Christian Bergmann Sabine Habicht Ramon Hernandez Ron Roos Rene Wysk Claudia Dorner Markus Berger Markus Jacobi Ken Okonkwo Jörgen Grahl-Madse Hanka Drdlova Realization UNStudio in collaboration with B + M, Den Haag Advisors Construction management: BBN, Houten Engineering: Pieters bouwtechniek Haarlem Theatre technique: pb|theateradviseurs Uden Acoustics / Fire strategy: DGMR Arnhem Installations: Valstar Simones Apeldoorn Lighting advise: Arup Amsterdam Contractors Contractor: Jorritsma Bouw Almere Installations: GTI Roden Electrical installations: Kempkens Brands Veenendaal Stage installations: Stakebrand Heeze Paintwork: Lansink Lelystad | | the Products Aluminium cladding: Hafkon Maassluis Finishing: Gerko Witmarsum Signposting: Dehullu Ochten Facades: Van Dool Geveltechniek De Lier Interior prints: Vertical Vision Weesp Lifts: ThyssenKrupp Krimpen aan de IJssel Seating main hall: Fibroseat Marke (B) Seating small hall: Stol Nederland Oldenzaal Flooring, foyer Massivv bamboo side pressed parquet. 15mm Manufacturer: Moso Ceiling, foyer Aluminium lamellen, wit Type: 30BD 0280 Manufacturer: Luxalon Printed wallpaper, foyer Type: Full colour wallpaper Manufacturer: Vertical Vision BV Acoustic panels, main theatre hall Side walls: Profiled TOPAKUSTIK MDF panels Type: RFS, 19mm, NCS S 1580 Y90R Manufaturer: TOPAKUSTIK The theatre: Carpet Type: Tufted polyamide, 9mm. Colour: 170 Manufacturer: Leoxx The snaking pink ribbon: Paint Type: Matt Colour: NCS code: S 1050-R30B Side walls: Profiled TOPAKUSTIK MDF panels (Typ RFS, 19mm, NCS S 1580 Y90R) and plasterboard panels - to diffuse and direct sound. Back wall: Perforated MDF panels to absorb sound. Loud speakers: Covered in thin red coloured fabric. |