
Four Teams Shortlisted for LaGuardia Terminal Building Replacement

August 5, 2013

Four teams have been selected to compete for a $2.4-billion project to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain the LaGuardia Airport Central Terminal Building (CBT), says a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) spokesman. PANYNJ will conduct $1.2 billion in infrastructure upgrades in addition to the project, he says.

The four teams—which include architecture firms Gensler and Kohn Pedersen Fox, contractors, equity members, and other key firms—were selected out of 16 that responded to the authority's RFQs last October:

  • Aerostar New York Holdings LLC, New York, which includes Fentress Architects, and a joint venture of Hunt and VRH;
  • LaGuardia Gateway Partners, Queens, N.Y., which includes Skanska USA Building Inc., Skanska USA Civil Northeast Inc., Tishman Construction Corp. of New York, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum PC, and Vantage Airport Group Ltd.;
  • LGAlliance, New York, which includes Lend Lease (US) Construction LMB Inc., Turner Construction Co., Gensler Architecture, Design & Planning P.C., Macquarie Capital Group Ltd., and Hochtief AirPort GmbH;
  • LGA Central Terminal Consortium, which includes STV Inc., Ove Arup & Partners PC, and Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates

The project includes demolishing the existing CTB and its four concourses, garage, Hangar 1, and frontage roads; building temporary facilities; and designing and building a new CTB. It also includes constructing a central heating and refrigeration plant, utilities for the new building, hydrant fueling within the project site limits; as well as operating, maintaining, and managing the existing CTB and temporary facilities during construction.

A start date has not yet been set, the spokesman says. The CTB is scheduled for partial completion in 2017 and full completion in 2019. Entire project completion is slated for 2021. He did not say when PANYNJ plans to issue an RFP to choose the final team for the project.