
MoMA Sells Iwan Baan Photo for Sandy Relief

December 18, 2012

Image courtesy MoMA

Architecture photographer Iwan Baan’s apocalyptic aerial of a dark lower Manhattan after Hurricane Sandy went viral when it graced the cover of New York Magazine. And now the famous photograph is coming to a living room or dorm room near you.

Baan’s photograph, titled “The City and the Storm,” is on sale at the MoMA Design Store for $20. All proceeds will go to Hurricane Sandy relief through the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.

Baan is quickly gaining traction in the fine art world as well. The prestigious Kulapat Yantrasast-designed Perry Rubenstein Gallery in Los Angeles announced yesterday that it is officially representing Baan. His work will be on display in an exhibition there in February. The gallery is currently selling ten copies of Baan's photograph for $100,000 each, and all profits will be donated to the Mayor's Fund.

For continuing post-Sandy coverage on retrofitting existing buildings, preparing city infrastructure for the next storm, and more, click here.




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