
Fix for Settling Millennium Tower May Start This Fall

July 24, 2020

With the lengthy and complex permitting and approval process complete and almost all the other details worked out, construction could begin in mid-November on the estimated $100-million shoring fix for the 645-ft-tall Millennium Tower in San Francisco. The perimeter pile upgrade for the 58-story residential condominium building, which has settled more than 17 in. toward the northwest since its completion in 2009, was originally expected to begin earlier this year.

Photo: Nathaniel Lindsey via CTBUH

“The city and state had a plethora of permit requirements for us,” says Ronald O. Hamburger, a senior principal with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, the engineer-of-record for the fix. Hamburger’s client is Paul Hastings LLP, a lawyer retained by the tower’s developer, Mission Street Development (a part of Millennium Partners).

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