According to Rafael Moneo, who designed the Gregorio Marañon Maternity and Pediatrics Hospital in Madrid with specialist José María de la Mata, a hospital “should be clear, clean, and luminous. It should have the logic one expects from science for those who, in sickness, seek its aid. It should offer patients and their families every convenience. It should create an atmosphere of calm, tranquillity, and rest. And it should reflect in all its elements the value of hygiene for health.” To achieve these goals, Moneo and De la Mata’s design relies on the logic of a gridded circulation plan and the calming, cleansing effect of natural light, which descends from eight courtyards into all the rooms and corridors, and which is reflected from its pearly glass facades.
The building is part of the multi-block campus of Gregorio Marañon, a major public teaching hospital in central Madrid. Moneo was brought into the project to help renovate the aging complex, an accumulation of buildings dating from the early 20th century to the 1980s. The 500,000-square-foot, seven-story facility, developed in close collaboration with doctors and staff, replaces the obsolete maternity hospital on the same site. It combines the functions of two independent but related institutions. Each has its own entrance, emergency room, operating rooms, outpatient facilities, and beds; only diagnostic facilities and general services are shared.
The design for the building springs from its urban situation. Its site was part of a superblock that Moneo broke up to facilitate circulation through the complex, restoring two suppressed streets. Obsolete buildings will be cleared from the center of these blocks to create a central plaza with a parking garage below, flanked on its two long sides by restored brick pavilions from the 1920s. The Maternity and Pediatrics Hospital occupies an entire block at the southern end of this plaza.