
Staying on Board in 2011

November 19, 2010
November 2010

You only have two issues left, unless you subscribe.

As painful as it sounds, this may be one of the last issues of Architectural Record you’ll receive. If you are an AIA member, you are good to go through December (that’s this issue and one more). Then, presto — or the sound of one hand clapping — RECORD will disappear from your mailbox. Help! What is an architect to do?

Photo © André Souroujon

So we are letting you know. By now, you’ve received your copy of the printed magazine with the page affixed to the cover fairly shouting at you to subscribe to the publication. You may have received a first-class letter from yours truly, and e-mails, or even a tweet, if you’re a Twitterer. They all say essentially the same thing: Your subscription to Architectural Record is running out; it’s time to subscribe.

If you are one of the 40,000 loyal subscribers who are non—AIA members, you can skip this editorial in its entirety. But those of you who are AIA members may not realize that you paid for RECORD as a portion of your annual dues every year. You were, and are still, a subscriber. As of January 2, 2011, however, AIA has made other arrangements, and no longer will your mailbox contain Architectural Record around the first of the month. We still love you, but unless you’ve signed up, we’re dropping you from our rolls like a hot rivet.

Why should I subscribe to a print publication, you ask? Everything seems to be shifting to the Web, anyway. I’ll just go online. Our answer would be that of course you can, and almost 200,000 of you visit our Web site from around the world each month, many from small towns and cities with names far different from our own. We encourage you to keep viewing the site, which we enrich with hundreds of videos, community pages that allow you to post your own work, additional source material, and special features that appear nowhere else.

Print, for the time being, allows you choice and time. On an airplane flight and want to dawdle over the Burj Khalifa details (how did they do that, anyway)? Or to poke your head into the lush photography? Or to take your time with a continuing education story? The issue slips right in your briefcase.

To entice you, our circulation gurus have concocted a wealth of offerings that include a discounted price (it’s so cheap!); free access to our digital edition, currently offered via Zinio; as well as our iPhone and iPad apps, complete with videos and slide shows. More iPad development is under way here in Gotham and may offer the best alternative to print — so watch for announcements in the coming months.

A special message to employers: Many of you purchased Architectural Record, via AIA membership, for your junior employees. Don’t forget them. Times are tough, but this is the time to study and prepare for the future. We’re making it easy for you.

For 2011, Architectural Record is only going to get better. We’re beefing up our building-technology coverage, adding more details, sharpening our critical pencils, and planning the revitalization of a real building for you to visit. All will appear here, and nowhere else. You, and your employees, deserve the information and inspiration that are evolving and improving for 2011 in Architectural Record.

How can you begin a productive plan for a better year? Keep a positive attitude; don’t gnash your teeth. Buy a subscription!

If you wish to write to our editor-in-chief you can email him rivy@mcgraw-hill.com.