For the first time today, the Architectural Record team comes to work at the Empire State Building.
Designed by Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon and built in 1931, the structure stood as the world’s tallest building for nearly 40 years. It now ranks fifth in height in the United States and 25th in the world.
The 102-story skyscraper has played a role in more than 250 movies, from classic films like King Kong, An Affair to Remember, and Sleepless in Seattle, to more recent flicks like Elf and Oblivion. RECORD is pleased that the Empire State Building will play a role in the magazine’s next chapter.
Our mailing address and phone numbers (which you can find in greater detail here) have changed to:
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As F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote in My Lost City: “From the ruins, lonely and inexplicable as the sphinx, rose the Empire State Building and just as it had been tradition of mine to climb to the Plaza roof to take leave of the beautiful city, extending as far as eyes could reach, so now I went to the roof of the last and most magnificent of towers.”
Thank you in advance for your patience this week as we settle into our new offices in the “last and most magnificent of towers.”